About Titans Enterprise

Revision date: 06/25/2024

What We Do:

  • Website Creation: We primarily create websites/projects for ourselves, and occasionally for clients upon request.
    • EggsNearby.com
    • MicroLikes.com
    • MailPeers.com
    • ForumRace.com
    • ForumProfiles.com and others.
  • Domain Names and Hosting: We buy and sell domain names and offer web hosting services for our members.
    • MJJRegistry.com
  • Design: Jennifer loves designing and working with images, creating cool stuff. She also has a passion for cooking—check out her ebook!
  • Farm-Related Projects: I am passionate about animals and farm-related projects. We created EggsNearby.com to solve the problem of finding local eggs, which was difficult through Facebook groups. (now extended to anything Farm related stuff)
  • Construction and Home Remodeling: I have extensive knowledge in construction and home remodeling, so feel free to ask me anything. However, my body isn't keeping up with the physical demands lately.

We handle many tasks, so please contact us through a help desk ticket rather than Facebook Messenger. I also limit my Facebook friend requests.

A heads-up: English is not my native language, and I’m losing touch with my Spanish from not using it. I likely have some misspelled words—please be kind and let me know so I can correct them :)

Check us at Facebook:

Jennifer: https://www.facebook.com/jennifer.serrano.39566

Miguel: https://www.facebook.com/fb.miguel.fernandez

TitansEnterprise.com is our Subscription and Affiliate Manager for multiple products and websites we dive in.

You can purchase our products and/or earn money as an affiliate. (we love to offer 50% recurring commissions whenever possible)